What is love supposed to be like

Love, what is it supposed to be like? Is it being swept off our feet with everything our significant other does? Is it being married to our one and only? Are we supposed to feel like things are always perfect between us? What do we look for in the perfect person? Relationship? There is so much to love that it really can not be slimmed down to one action or one perfect response. It is a combination of things, it is combining two lives together right, so we shouldn’t expect it to be as simple.
I love this quote that I think explains what love means to me, “somehow, you are the both the best and worst thing that has ever happened to me.” To be in love is like being in paradise. For that moment in time if feels like the world can’t get bad and if it did you would be okay because you have that one other person that loves you. In addition, relationships should push and challenge us to become our best selves, this is how it can be the worst thing. I don’t mean that we should have toxic relationships that bring out our worst but that our significant other should help us to grow by pushing us to have courage in times when things are uncomfortable and allowing us to feel okay with being vulnerable.
Let me tell you of an experience that taught me what love, good whole-hearted love felt like. I was dating this guy for a while that I really wanted to impress. He came from such a good family that loved him, were financially stable, and did not to seem to have any troubles. Compared to him, I felt like I had the biggest baggage carrying with me that he would not understand. He could tell though when things were bothering me. As hard as I tried to keep such a good image of myself up, it wasn’t fooling him. I remember we watched a movie and the characters were going through a divorce. This triggered so many feelings as my own parents were going through the same things and it had stressed me out so much at the time. And I finally stopped trying to hold everything in and I just cried and told him how this was such a frustrating and confusing time for me. I knew that this would break down a bunch of walls and make me vulnerable. However, at the time of our relationship, he was always there for me and was always ready to be supportive when I was ready to talk. His actions in being patient for me to be open and consistently showing me that he was going to be there allowed myself to open up to him.
I think when we have someone who is ready to accept us and all of our flaws that we should keep this person close in our life. They are the ones who are looking at us in our best light and understanding that we have potential to grow even if we aren’t our best selves at the moment. These are the people who make us feel the best kind of love. A feeling that ensures that this relationship will be enduring, kind, resilient, patient, and productive.  This is the love that we should have. Sweeping us our feet because we are constantly surprised by how much we grow by their side. Love that is committed for a long time, that will survive and become better even in the not so perfect times in out lives.
